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Danriver Technologies Corporation

Alien Wavelength

To reduce network infrastructure cost, network operators want to integrate interoperable and open transponders, since these transponders allow application of the latest technologies over legacy networks at a competitive price. This process of using third-party transponders in a given network is commonly called 'alien wavelength' support.

What is Dark Fibre?

The term “Dark fibre” refers to cables that have spare fibre inside that have no equipment at connected. Any fibre requires optical equipment connected to it before it can be used, using light signals to pass signals from end to end (hence the term ‘optical’ Fibre). So if a fibre is presently unused it is said to be “Dark fibre”

Coherent Optical Technology

Coherent optical transmission is a DWDM technique that uses modulation of the amplitude and phase of the light, as well as transmission across two polarizations, to enable the transport of considerably more information through a fiber optic cable. Using digital signal processing at both the transmitter and receiver, coherent optics also offers higher bit-rates, greater degrees of flexibility, simpler photonic line systems, and better optical performance.


Internet eXchange Points (IXPs) are fabrics where IXPs can build a highly scalable capacity interconnection fabric for connecting multiple distributed locations


A reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) is a form of optical add-drop multiplexer that adds the ability to remotely switch traffic from a wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) system at the wavelength layer. This is achieved through the use of a wavelength selective switching (WSS) module. This allows individual or multiple wavelengths carrying data channels to be added and/or dropped from a transport fiber without the need to convert the signals on all of the WDM channels to electronic signals and back again to optical signals.


In digital signal processing, Dense Wave Division Multiplexing, or DWDM, is a technique for increasing the bandwidth of optical network communications. DWDM allows dozens of different data signals to be transmitted simultaneously over a single fiber. To keep the signals distinct, DWDM securely manipulates wavelengths of light to keep each signal within its own narrow band.

Data Center Interconnect (DCI)

Data center interconnection (DCI) solutions make it possible to link two or more separate data center facilities in order to achieve key business or IT objectives. Thanks to data center interconnect and intra-connect compact modular and pluggable options, these facilities can cost effectively work together by sharing resources and passing workloads between buildings, floors, rows and racks.

Data Center Intraconnect

Intra-data center interconnect means connections within the data center. It can be within one building or between data center buildings in the park. This approach connects hundreds of thousands of servers, switches, and routers inside data centers, enabling solutions for distances between 2m to 10km.


ITU-T defines an Optical Transport Network (OTN) as a set of Optical Network Elements (ONE) connected by optical fiber links, able to provide functionality of transport, multiplexing, switching, management, supervision and survivability of optical channels carrying client signals. A ONE may Re-time, Re-Amplify, Re-shape (3R) but it does not have to be 3R— it can be purely photonic. OTN was designed to provide support for optical networking using wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) unlike its predecessor SONET.


IP over DWDM (IPoDWDM) is primarily a pluggable technology used in telecommunications networks to integrate IP routers and network switches in the OTN (Optical Transport Network)

Microwave Transport

Microwave transport is the transmission of information or energy by electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths are measured in small numbers of centimeters; these are called microwaves.


A network management system (NMS) is a set of hardware and/or software tools that allow a network professional to supervise the individual components of a network within a larger network management framework on defined network equipment and systems.


Network functions virtualization (NFV) is an initiative to virtualize the network services that are now being carried out by proprietary, dedicated hardware. If successful, NFV will decrease the amount of proprietary hardware that’s needed to launch and operate network services.

Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)

Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) moves the computing of traffic and services from a centralized cloud to the edge of the network and closer to the customer. Collecting, analyzing, processing and storing data closer to the customer reduces latency and brings real-time performance to high-bandwidth applications.